Donaldson Torit – Torit Powercore Dust Collectors TG Series

The best combination of Footprint, Appearance and Performance

The Torit PowerCore TG Series designed for thermally generated dust is reshaping the future of dust and fume collection technology. Torit PowerCore TG is in a category by itself with a footprint up to 65%
smaller than most cartridge collectors and smarter technology housed in the widest range of completely packaged and assembled units available up to 10,000 cfm. Torit PowerCore TG is the new way to get cleaner air in welding, laser cutting, plasma cutting, and thermal spray applications.

Torit PowerCore TG collectors’ strong and sleek all-welded housing is the ideal fit as a stand-alone on the plant floor or integrated into an OEM design. Factor in the energy saver package, quiet motor and smart controls specifically designed for metalworking, and the choice is clear. Torit PowerCore TG is the best combination of footprint, appearance and performance.